the hottest new accessories in Hollywood are babies ...
Written by Nicola Hyland
Baby fever is in the air! Fashionistas are now becoming Mama-nistas! Thank Goodness the fashion world is pulling up its socks for the fabulous Yummy Mummy! Posh Spice, Ginger Spcice, Baby Spice and Scare Spice! Mummyhood is spicy and we like it. Nicole’s doing it. Naomi just did it. Now the pitter patter of little feet is no longer just the sound of the tiny handbag dog. The hottest new accessories in Hollywood are babies and your favourite Celebrities are clamouring for the greatest roles of their career: motherhood. While many of these gals have not proven to be the greatest role-models, there is something that we mere mortals can thank the likes of Kate Moss, Gwen Stefani and Ange Jolie for- the rise of the ‘yummy mummy.’For centuries across the globe, pregnancy has been treated as some sort of unfortunate nine-month illness. Throughout history, women were often bed-bound and kept out of the public eye during the final months of pregnancy. Fashion was often designed to disguise the ‘offending’ bump; a practice still adhered to at least until the 1970s by the fashion world. Unflattering tent dresses and hillbilly-style dungarees were expected to be a staple of the expecting mother – no wonder they wanted to remain incognito!One of the pioneers of the ‘Yummy Mummy’ Celebrities was probably Demi Moore. In 1991, Demi posed nude on the cover of Vanity Fair while seven months pregnant with her second child. Provoking a bit of a scandal, Demi also managed to break through Hollywood preconceptions and affirm that pregnancy only makes a woman more beautiful. Now married to a mere boy - Ashton Kutcher - Demi still manages to prove that motherhood (and age) only makes a woman more attractive!Nowadays, Demi’s naked ambition seems pretty normal – Kate Moss posed naked for a life-sized painting for Lucien Freud while heavily pregnant (which later sold for more than $7 million!). Britney did it for Harper’s Bazaar, while pregnant with her second son and Jordan… let’s not even talk about her naked photo shoot…Younger celebrity mothers really embraced the idea of pregnancy as sexy and not a means to hibernate around the late 1990s. Both Scary and Posh Spice continued to tour late into their pregnancies during the Spice Girl heyday, showing off their bare midriff bellies to the world. Being pregnant was no longer the end of careers, with Yummy Mummy celebs like Catherine Zeta Jones continuing to work late into their third trimester. Sarah Jessica Parker managed to reclaim high fashion for the expecting by filming Sex and the City ‘around’ her baby bump. Amazing what a bouquet of flowers or constant head shots can do…While you may not want to wander around in nothing at all, the modern yummy Mummy can make fashion her friend. In Australia, trendy stores like Egg Maternity, Ripe and Mother 2B cater for the fashion-savvy mother-to-be. Other great local retailers include Barefoot Maternity, Soon Melbourne and Mamalicious, which caters specifically for the breast-feeding mother. Trendy babywear outlets like Pumpkin Patch are aware that Mums don’t just want their kiddies to look funky and generally cater accordingly. Designer Fiona Korvemaa from Belly Bulge Maternity writes how she designs Maternity wear to “create envy in the eyes of the non-pregnant.” High end fashion designers are starting to market for the trendy upcoming Mum, with labels like Trelise Cooper, Isabella Oliver, Tocca, L’Atessa and Anna Sui offering lines for those with growing bellies and healthy wallets. Fashion for Yummy Mummies combines comfort with style. As we are continually saying, the boho-inspired maxi dress and the empire line pinafores are flattering for almost everyone! We expect that YM’s will be following in Nicole’s footsteps and wearing the gorgeous tailored A-line smocks she has been seen in her early months. Form-fitting fabrics accentuate the best new bit of your body, with stretchy dresses and sweater tops made to fit all sizes. There is something about that ‘rosy glow’ of my pregnant friends that no amount of bronze or blusher can emulate – hey, pregnant women are gorgeous whatever they wear! Recent prizes for the best Yummy Mummies go to Heidi Klum, Gwen Stefani and that uber Earth mother, Angelina Jolie. Katie Holmes has definitely benefited from motherhood [and Posh’s stylist] in the fashion stakes, while Kate Hudson is a pretty hot Mamma - now allegedly back on the market again. Also a hot single Mum, Reese Witherspoon manages to match her outfits to her cutie-pied daughter Ava, which is just a little creepy… Apparently Kate Moss’s daughter Lila-Grace has become a true fashion addict – a much healthier addiction then some of the vices her Mum has had! Congratulations to Nicole and Isla Fisher on their newly revealed joys – who predicts will be the next to join the Yummy Mummy Crew? The booby prize for Faux-pas Ma’s inevitably goes to the troublesome Britney, while the less publicity Jordan gets for motherly advice the better! When you are thinking of naming your trendy new bundle, PLEASE don’t follow the lead of Demi, Geri or Gwyneth and name your child something ridiculous like Button or Moonflower. Not even famous Yummy Mummies get away with doing that to their children! Unfortunately, while fashion and babies might go together in most circumstances, you can’t exchange a baby for another pair of shoes. And nobody tells your wee one not to burp up on your brand new silk dress… I’m just enjoying everyone else’s babies for the time being! Need more advice on how to be a sexy Mum-to-be – just Ask Bronny! http://www.askbronny.com/
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