Getting bigger and bigger (seems like every hour). Most people think I must be almost due. Total strangers are asking me if I’m about to pop out; the same question again and again….
I wish I had a maternity tee with a sign on it: “I’m due in April, NOT tomorrow” and underneath “No, I’m not having twins”. But in the end of a day all I can do is laugh. Protects me from going mad… or is it the first sign??? Instead, I bought a great maternity top from 2 chix at Sweet Lilly Maternity that says 'Whos ya daddy?" I wear it most of the time as it feels so comfy and is a little bit cheeky too.
I wish I had a maternity tee with a sign on it: “I’m due in April, NOT tomorrow” and underneath “No, I’m not having twins”. But in the end of a day all I can do is laugh. Protects me from going mad… or is it the first sign??? Instead, I bought a great maternity top from 2 chix at Sweet Lilly Maternity that says 'Whos ya daddy?" I wear it most of the time as it feels so comfy and is a little bit cheeky too.
There is a great selection of great maternity wear on the web and some cool maternity clothes also in some of the stores. I really like shopping online as it saves me heaps of time. I've found a couple of really great maternity clothing websites but the Sweet Lilly Maternity site is my favourite as there is lots of choice and has great customer service.
As well as maternity clothes shopping, we have been stroller hunting. I was very excited but it turned out to be quite a painful experience. Walked into Babies Galore, found they have only 5 brands to choose from and 2 of them totally out of our budget. Firstly, a shop assistant tried to sell me a stroller with toddler seat insisting that I should have a second child soon. Even though I told her it wasn’t my plan. My husband ran out of patience and left the shop. I continued arguing for little longer. Then when I was about to explode, she showed me another stroller and insisted that that’s the best one on the market. The one I have to have. It was ugly, looked uncomfortable, didn’t have any accessories and was very expensive. Then I left the shop too. I had no idea choosing a stroller would be so difficult…
A week later I found what I was looking for. Bought a stroller and a car seat. In a shop that had no air-condition so all the shop assistants were so hot that didn’t have any energy to try to talk us into buying something we didn’t like. They were just sitting in front of a fan, showed us only what we wanted to see and then went back to their fan and were waiting for us to choose.
At 28th week I had my glucose test done. Apparently before this test you’re allowed to eat and drink. I had banana bread and latte. My results were too high so I had to have diabetes test done afterwards. It came out negative. The diabetes test is not fun. It takes about 2 and ½ hours. You have fast before and during it and involves 3 blood tests. A few of my girlfriends had the same problem as me. So I have a little advise: all you pregnant girls try not to eat before your first test and safe yourself from endless test and needles.
Prenatal Tests Week 24-28
Glucose Test